Blog Photography Music Food

Monday, March 19, 2007


Oh boy, this has GOT to be the weirdest cosplay costume I have EVER seen. I can’t imagine what could have possibly enticed Namco to endorse such a ridiculously useless product. Either a Namco representative suffered a tragic crippling anneurism (the type that makes high school teenagers believe that orange day-glo tan is desirable and not in the least way freaky or inhuman) or it had something to do with a ginormous cheque with a great whoppin’ lot of zeros on it. I'm guessing it probably has to do with the latter...

But of course, me being of the curious type and a consumerist (ALWAYS a bad combination!), I had to whip out and see buy it =p Waste of $27, maybe so, but I challenge any red-blooded game freak to not have wondered what it’s like walking in the shoes of great and iconic Pacman! Well at least now I know if I’m ever strapped for a costume to wear to Manifest, I can always pull this one out of the closet! And failing that, I'm sure this Pacman hat would make a pretty damn funky motorbike/crash helmet! And if old school Pacman cramps your style, how about a dose of good ol’ fashioned Sonic? =p