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Friday, March 23, 2007

PS3 Launches Across Australia Today!

Today commemorates the day that the PS3 launches in Australia! Ah yes. There’s nothing like getting your country’s launch 6 months later than the rest of the globe to give you some perspective of how much of a crap pile our country really is. And so, to honour this lovely occasion, Lambchoppy’s Warehouse is proud to present:

10 Good Reasons to Buy a GayStation PlayStation 3!!!

  • No one else will have one. No one else is stupid enough to buy it.
  • It’s a quicker and more practical way to lose $1,000 than burning your money. Plus it’s more environmentally friendly!
  • It’s big and scary enough to maul your neighbour’s cat
  • You’ll lose a lot of weight burning carbs by dragging your shiny new PS3 from the store to your house. Or your fingers could snap off.
  • The inventive console name. Boy, after the Playstation and PlayStation 2, I’d have never seen that name coming in a million years. At least Sony prove they can count. Veeeeery slowly.
  • The games. Oh yeah, at RRP $120 a game, I can see everybody running to the stores in a hurry. NOT.
  • The controller. It’s still the same lame-ass piece of crap it was when it the original PlayStation was released - THIRTEEN YEARS AGO.
  • The Blu-Ray player. You can watch as the format slowly becomes obsolete because of HD DVD – the better and cheaper alternative.
  • Backward compatibility. I can barely hold in my excitement. As stated above, nobody’s going to buy PS3 games at $120 a pop. Instead, we’ll be stuck playing the great PS2 classics again on our PS3! And it only costs $1,000 more! Oh my, what a bargain.
  • The PS3’s most redeeming feature - it doubles as a George Foreman Grill!

*PS3 Grill picture is presented courtesy of