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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Review: Koss KSC75 Earphones

The Koss earphones come in a rather uninformative and unimpressive bubble package with navy and orange highlights. Inside the packaging isn’t much better. The headphones themselves look like some sort of extraterrestrial alien head gear, and I half expect some bleeping LEDs and an anal probing device to come packaged with it. But as the old adage says… don’t judge a book by its cover lest ye be judged for the ugly, sorry sod you are. And by God, some of us are quite fugly. So for those superficial suckers (myself included), take a well needed life lesson and look past the questionable exterior and realise that beauty really is only skin deep.

I'm glad I gave the Kosses a chance because once you don the earphones, it’s a whole ‘nother ball game. Gone are any tentative preconceptions of this gear – it’s clear to see (or hear?) that these are a pair of VERY good quality earphones. The best and most distinctive feature of these phones is the bass. No doubt about it. When listening to heavy bass songs with my eyes closed, I could almost swear I could feel the subwoofer bass tremble from a full 5.1 stereo system. If heaven was a sound, it would be the punchy bass line of Jet’s ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’ through a pair of these Kosses =p

However, the Koss KSC75s have a wider diameter ear pad than most earphones, but I feel the comfort is all the more better for it. I’m used to the aching feeling of having headphones of the clip-on variety painfully bite into my ears after an extended period of time, but the Koss KSC75s felt perfect. The ear clips sat nicely over my ears and the pads were pressed with just the right amount of pressure against my ears. I shook my head vigorously with these on, but there was not so much as a wiggle from these excellent earphones. In fact, so comfortable are the headphones that I even forgot they were on!

In short, these headphones are the best value for money earphones on the market today. For only $30 AUD (eBay), the sound is comparable (and quite possibly even tops that of) headphones in the $100-200 range. But enough of this rambling… I really could shorten this review into two short, sweet words - BUY IT.