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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Things To Do In A Lecture

  • Eat 1kg of baked beans. Let off gas. See if anyone notices.
  • Set your ring tone to “Let’s Talk About Sex”. Have someone repeatedly prank your phone
  • Take notes - on the surface of all your available skin possible. Strip if necessary.
  • Roll marbles down the side of the lecture hall and have races
  • When the lecture starts and the lecturer begins speaking, grasp your chair desperately while looking around at the ceiling in an agitated manner and laugh crazily while saying “Oh no, my psychiatrist was right - the voices ARE back again!”
  • Put a match to your lecture notes and then scream ‘FIRE!’ Then run around crazily in circles.
  • Bring a TV remote to the lecture. Point the remote at your lecturer and keep pushing the buttons madly while shouting “DANGNAMMIT! The bloody TV must be broken again because it won’t change channel!”
  • Pay attention to what the lecturer is saying… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH j/k!
  • Last but not least – SLEEP