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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Creative Zen Stone released!

My my, the battle for the best screen-less flash player is now on, with the newly released Creative Zen Stone entering the fray. Competing against the ever popular iPod Shuffle and the iRiver S7, the Creative Zen Stone comes in 1GB and 2GB capacities and sports the rather standard directional navigation pad. Thankfully, the Creative Zen Stone allows easy transfer of files through dragging and dropping, rather than making you install and use some retarded, bugged software (yes iTunes, I'm talking to you). It's also available at a much more economical price point - just $87 for the 1Gb version from Minidisc.

The Zen Stone also comes in a variety of colours, each more unappealing than the next. Well that's just my personal opinion, but I seriously wish designers out there would please stop releasing things in burnt orange or lime green. FFS people, it doesn't look good!