Blog Photography Music Food

Friday, April 27, 2007


Oh dear. The moment we all feared has come along. There is now a M&Ms video game. The video game industry has finally hit an all time low. If the post on Hello Kitty mp3 players had you thinking about abandoning all hope for humanity, well this M&Ms game might just push you over the edge. However, with that said, I'm sure you're all just a bit curious about what the hell the "game" is even about, if it can so be called. Well, M&M's Break 'Em has something worse than zero storyline - a really, really shit one. Want proof? Okay, well don't shoot the messenger because you asked for it:

"The premise of the game is that a bad peanut has escaped from the discard bin and vowed revenge on the vast world of M&M’S by kidnapping them all and sealing them into crystals. As one of the commercial M&M’S, you managed to escape his wrath and must now save the others from certain doom by bouncing around in a retarded puzzle-like fashion."

ERRRRRR.... okaaaaaaay then. Basically it just boils down to your less than average puzzle game with a thin marketing/advertising ploy disguised very loosely as a plot. Buy it for the amusement factor if you must, but definitely not for the playability - it only rated a mere 12 out of 40 on DS Portable Review.