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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Weird USB Drives

It seems that although USB drives nowdays are all the rage. Almost everybody owns USB drive of some sort now, but even with all these USB drives on the market it's still so hard to tell the difference between them all. Of course, not content to lie down and stick with convention, a couple of USB manufacturers have really gone out on a limb to create some of the most creative and weirdest USB drives ever.

Take for example these sushi USB drives. They come in a lot of different varieties guaranteed to set you out from the crowd. Impractical you say? But there's no denying they are beautifully made and also look finger lickin' real! A bit weird I hear you say? Well I promise you it has nothing on this next one.

Yes, that is a thumb. Yes that's a USB connector sticking out of it. Okay, so 10 out of 10 for originality, but 11 out of 10 for pure creepiness. What's next? A severed arm USB drive? A severed head? Oh yes... and speaking of heads... this last USB drive won't fail to turn those aforementioned heads.

OMG WTF?! Oh after those sushi and human thumb USB drives you thought you'd seen it all, hadn't you? But you were wrong. Oh so wrong. This is BY FAR the most morbidly original USB drive yet. Rip off the head of this barbie to expose the USB connector and plug it straight into your PC! Props for whoever's disturbed and repressed childhood mind came up with this one!

Click here to see more of the weirdest USB drives ever!

Fast fact of today: USB drives are named so after the Universal Serial Bus interface they are integrated with.