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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Swarovski encrusted Nintendo DS Lites!

There's nothing like Paris Hilton wannabes to ruin the gaming scene. Paris Hilton herself designed this horrifyingly bling pink DS Lite that can only be described as an eyesore. And holy mother of God, one of these actually got sold on eBay to the tune of almost 900 Australian dollars... And you thought the PS3 was expensive. HA! Well, there's nothing like knowing that people out there can blast $900 on a hand-sized piece of gaming equipment to really put you in social and financial perspective. I think the lesson we've learned here is to never let Paris Hilton do anything except her day job. (Err... what exactly is that again?)

Luckily, bling hasn't been totally soiled and put to rest. The Nintendo World Store have made their response to Paris Hilton's freak of a paperweight DS Lite with their own Swarovski DS Lite covers. There's five different designer covers currently, but only four of them are for sale. The Super Mario Bros. one is strictly for display. At around $600 USD (converts to $730 AUD), I can't say I'm too disappointed.

Click here to be directed to the original story at Go Nintendo's blog archive.