Fruits Basket Kyo Cosplay Beanie!
Being the incorrigible otaku geek that I am, the next must-have item on my list is a Kyo Cosplay Beanie complete with cat ears! I reckon the ears totally make the cap soooo cute and just like any other consumer I live by the General Law of Consumerism. “I see. I want. I get.” =p
Found this cap originally at but they must’ve sold out before I could get my grubby little paws on it, because now it’s no longer on their site. Found it again at and after a horribly bad experience (involving me waiting for 4 months to receive some Slayers Anime box sets I’d ordered) and some
gentle cajoling vicious threatening e-mails, Madman finally offered me a $20 voucher in compensation =] I barely think 20 bucks was enough to cover the unacceptable waiting period, but a free voucher is a free voucher.
Had a foray on eBay and found a different Kyo beanie (see above) and now I’m racked with indecision over which to buy! On the one hand the eyes on the original beanie look quite cute and complete the whole Kyo look… but on the other hand… if I’m wearing it, then 2 sets of eyes staring at an onlooker seems somewhat freaky. Of course, I probably shouldn’t give a rat’s ass since I’M the one wearing the beanie and I fortunately don’t have to look at myself… but I probably won’t want masses of people running away from the four-eyed freak woman so I should PROBABLY take that into consideration =p Also, the second beanie (the one without the eyes) looks kinda more fleecey and warmer… Oh what to do, what to do?!?