So you've got a new sleek iPod or a shiny new laptop. Now all you're missing is a brilliant pair of speakers to truly let your gadget shine. Well have you thought about using pigs? Company Bei Bei certainly has! And why not? Pigs have brought us arguably three of the best things there is to be had in life: bacon, ham and pork. I ask you, what other magical animal could possibly live up to that?!? If I had to choose one honorary animal that got to be immortalised as a piece of innovative technology, it would definitely be the pig.
Not content with just pig speakers, Bei Bei has also gone on to create the USB Pig Radio. The "Squealer", as it is more affectionately known comes sporting a 1.6 watt speaker and a frequency response of 150 Hz to 20 KHz. And here's the really cute part: twist his tail to turn up the volume or press his ears to change station!
In a world of where every product from phones to PS2s are being turned pink, you'd definitely want to grab yourself one of these seriously cute and VERY PINK squealers. Makes me feel like watching Babe all over again... if only that movie didn't make me so hungry...

Check out this great novelty South Park glasses case from Vodafone. Okay, so South Park is a little old, but it's still cool. It features the four main characters of South Park and here comes the best bit. When you open up the case, you rip Kenny's head off! "OMG! I killed Kenny!"
Awesome news for those of you with sadistic serial killer tendencies - it'll certainly keep me clean and occupied... if only for a while.
Sigh. It's times like this I wish I wore glasses so I'd have an excuse to cart this cool case around. Oh well. Looks like a win for the blind freaks. Current score is Blind people: 1, normal people: 5 billion.
- Arrive early and re-arrange all the chairs so they are facing the back of the class. Sit attentively in the front seat.
- Address your tutor only as Spock and when raising your hand always do the Vulcan hand sign
- When your tutor asks you a question, insist that you only speak in binary and speak explicitly in zeros and ones, or make bleeping noises for the rest of the class
- Alternatively, when your tutor asks you a question, ask if you can phone a friend or do a 50/50. Refer to he/she as Eddie.
- Every time the tutor writes up an answer, shout ‘Eureka! He’s got it!” Scribble crazily into your notebook.
- Refuse to do anything your tutor tells you because he/she and the environment are not real – they’re simply agents of The Matrix trying to dupe you into their master scheme
- Whistle the first seven notes of ‘It’s A Small World”. Then repeat. Again. And again. And again.
- Fill your pencil case with nothing but condoms. When the class starts, tap the nearest person on the shoulder and gesture to your pencil case apologetically tell them that you forgot to bring a pen. Explain that American movies taught you to prepare for university in a different way. Wink suggestively.
- Eat 1kg of baked beans. Let off gas. See if anyone notices.
- Set your ring tone to “Let’s Talk About Sex”. Have someone repeatedly prank your phone
- Take notes - on the surface of all your available skin possible. Strip if necessary.
- Roll marbles down the side of the lecture hall and have races
- When the lecture starts and the lecturer begins speaking, grasp your chair desperately while looking around at the ceiling in an agitated manner and laugh crazily while saying “Oh no, my psychiatrist was right - the voices ARE back again!”
- Put a match to your lecture notes and then scream ‘FIRE!’ Then run around crazily in circles.
- Bring a TV remote to the lecture. Point the remote at your lecturer and keep pushing the buttons madly while shouting “DANGNAMMIT! The bloody TV must be broken again because it won’t change channel!”
- Pay attention to what the lecturer is saying… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH j/k!
- Last but not least – SLEEP
Any person who knows me will also know that I'm an avid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan... even back to the days of those crazy 1980s cartoons. Since then it's spawned off all sorts of memorabilia - action figures, games, bags, towels, clothes... you name it! Even TMNT costumes, which I personally found quite amusing. It's always interesting to see little kids running around in horribly inaccurate green TMNT costumes inoblivious to the fact that to me they just look like a jumping, hyperactive Freddo Frog ad. Mmmmm.... chocolate!
ANYWAY! Back to the point. Few people may know this, but just a couple of years ago, a new TMNT cartoon series was shown live on air on Cheez TV. The cartoon series was quite well made, with a more serious side and darker presentation. However, the whole TMNT franchise has still been relatively dormant in the eyes of the general public for the past 15 years. Well, Warner Bros. is aiming to change that all with this new TMNT animated movie. It even has A list celebrities voicing the characters: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Patrick Stewart, Laurence Fishburne and Zhang Zi Yi to name a few.
So get your nunchucks twirling and your pizza ready, because the release date was the 22nd March 2007 for Victoria, and 27th March for other states. Cowabunga dudes!

The Japs twisted sense of humour is present and thriving with the conversion of the ever bleeping machine from Star Wars into a trash can. This little beauty was on show at the Tokyo International Anime Fair and gives a novelty use to Star Wars memorabilia.
With its innards chopped out and a foot pedal attached, this could possibly be the coolest bin ever! The only shame is it's not big enough to hold the things that really should've been binned a long time ago... like C3PO.
*Photo comes courtesy of Akihabara News
It seems my predictions of how the PS3 launch would fare in Australia was right on the money. Hardly anybody turned up for the midnight launch. Even at Australia's official PS3 launch in Sydney, the queues were still relatively empty and there was reportedly more staff and media present than customers! For shame!
Read the full story on the Sydney PS3 launch from Kotaku here
*Photo comes courtesy of Kotaku
Today commemorates the day that the PS3 launches in Australia! Ah yes. There’s nothing like getting your country’s launch 6 months later than the rest of the globe to give you some perspective of how much of a crap pile our country really is. And so, to honour this lovely occasion, Lambchoppy’s Warehouse is proud to present:
10 Good Reasons to Buy a GayStation PlayStation 3!!! - No one else will have one. No one else is stupid enough to buy it.
- It’s a quicker and more practical way to lose $1,000 than burning your money. Plus it’s more environmentally friendly!
- It’s big and scary enough to maul your neighbour’s cat
- You’ll lose a lot of weight burning carbs by dragging your shiny new PS3 from the store to your house. Or your fingers could snap off.
- The inventive console name. Boy, after the Playstation and PlayStation 2, I’d have never seen that name coming in a million years. At least Sony prove they can count. Veeeeery slowly.
- The games. Oh yeah, at RRP $120 a game, I can see everybody running to the stores in a hurry. NOT.
- The controller. It’s still the same lame-ass piece of crap it was when it the original PlayStation was released - THIRTEEN YEARS AGO.
- The Blu-Ray player. You can watch as the format slowly becomes obsolete because of HD DVD – the better and cheaper alternative.
- Backward compatibility. I can barely hold in my excitement. As stated above, nobody’s going to buy PS3 games at $120 a pop. Instead, we’ll be stuck playing the great PS2 classics again on our PS3! And it only costs $1,000 more! Oh my, what a bargain.
- The PS3’s most redeeming feature - it doubles as a George Foreman Grill!
 *PS3 Grill picture is presented courtesy of www.ps3grill.com
The newest installment to the Bond series - Casino Royale, will come in a limited edition box set resplendent with specialised poker chips, 2 decks of cards and a dealer button all packaged in a sexy aluminium case. The limited edition boxset is available for pre-order at a very reasonable price of $59.83 (with free Australia Post Surface Mail shipping) and the estimated arrival time is on Thursday 23rd April at this stage. Pardon me if my English and grammar don't seem up to kilter - it could possibly be due to the puddle of drool that's currently soaking up the keyboard. =p
Grab yourself one of these sexy limited edition cases from www.ezydvd.com.au while they still last.
Up to now, cats are probably the last thing you'd think of for purifying your air. But not Japan's favourite cat, no no. Those crazy Japs are at it again, and their latest invention is the Hello Kitty Air Purifier. Yet another item to join the Hello Kitty Hall of Fame Shame.
Saw these while wandering around the city today at Little Bourke street. How cute are they? Welcome to the newest addition to my wishlist! Yes I know, I am a hoarder, but I can't help feeling the need to collect these exceptionally cute critters when I see them. Gotta catch em all pokemon! Err... Gotta catch em all, Super Mario?? =/
- Deciding to cut thousands of dollars off your budget by turning your everyday family sedan into that dream convertible
- Believing your partner will relish your truthful opinion to the question “does my butt look big in this?”
- Trying a McDonald’s ‘Healthy Choices’ Diet
- Sequels of The Matrix (or any other movie for that matter)
- Experimenting whether you really can fit your whole fist in your mouth
- Going to an All-You-Can-Eat Indian Curry Buffet on a sensitive stomach
- Windows Vista
- She's the Man [Movie]
- Movies based on war ala Pearl Harbour
- Telling your hairdresser you'd like to "try something a little different this time" and to “use their creativity”
- Britney Spears’ parents having... Britney Spears
- Deciding that 'Best Before' dates on dairy products are just recommendations, and therefore do not apply to you
- Bringing back 80’s fashion and hairstyles
- Finding out by experience that ‘flammable’ and ‘inflammable’ are in fact NOT opposites, contrary to their sound
- Any recipes involving Vegemite
- Meet Joe Black. After about half an hour I’d already met him and was bloody well sick of him. 2 and a half hours of bullshit crap later and the movie ends… Now there’s 3 wasted hours of my life I’ll never get back!
- Any game console with a $1000+ price tag i.e. PS3
- Asking people’s opinions to stuff – it invariably turns out to be biased crap that you didn’t want to know in the first place
- Short people
- On second thoughts… Britney Spears’ parents having... Britney Spears
What a wonderful time we live in! Gone are the days of social stigma stereotyping geeks as pale, pathetic, anti-social losers wasting our lives away in front of a radiating box. Now us gamers can embrace our geekiness by wearing our favourite Ninty mascots on our chests with pride!
As at 16th February 2007, Nintendo have struck up a deal with Jay Jays stores around Australia and are now offering retro style gaming shirts themed on Super Mario and Super Mario Kart. Donkey Kong themed T-Shirts are reportedly soon to come, as with some other vintage Ninty designs. And the best thing about all this? These shirts are extremely affordable at only $20 a pop! I'm getting my sunhat, SPF30+ sunscreen ready and preparing to leave my Otaku Den as I type, because Jay Jays HERE I COME!!! =p
Oh boy, this has GOT to be the weirdest cosplay costume I have EVER seen. I can’t imagine what could have possibly enticed Namco to endorse such a ridiculously useless product. Either a Namco representative suffered a tragic crippling anneurism (the type that makes high school teenagers believe that orange day-glo tan is desirable and not in the least way freaky or inhuman) or it had something to do with a ginormous cheque with a great whoppin’ lot of zeros on it. I'm guessing it probably has to do with the latter...
But of course, me being of the curious type and a consumerist (ALWAYS a bad combination!), I had to whip out and see buy it =p Waste of $27, maybe so, but I challenge any red-blooded game freak to not have wondered what it’s like walking in the shoes of great and iconic Pacman! Well at least now I know if I’m ever strapped for a costume to wear to Manifest, I can always pull this one out of the closet! And failing that, I'm sure this Pacman hat would make a pretty damn funky motorbike/crash helmet! And if old school Pacman cramps your style, how about a dose of good ol’ fashioned Sonic? =p
Being the incorrigible otaku geek that I am, the next must-have item on my list is a Kyo Cosplay Beanie complete with cat ears! I reckon the ears totally make the cap soooo cute and just like any other consumer I live by the General Law of Consumerism. “I see. I want. I get.” =p Found this cap originally at www.tamarket.com.au but they must’ve sold out before I could get my grubby little paws on it, because now it’s no longer on their site. Found it again at www.madman.com.au and after a horribly bad experience (involving me waiting for 4 months to receive some Slayers Anime box sets I’d ordered) and some gentle cajoling vicious threatening e-mails, Madman finally offered me a $20 voucher in compensation =] I barely think 20 bucks was enough to cover the unacceptable waiting period, but a free voucher is a free voucher. Had a foray on eBay and found a different Kyo beanie (see above) and now I’m racked with indecision over which to buy! On the one hand the eyes on the original beanie look quite cute and complete the whole Kyo look… but on the other hand… if I’m wearing it, then 2 sets of eyes staring at an onlooker seems somewhat freaky. Of course, I probably shouldn’t give a rat’s ass since I’M the one wearing the beanie and I fortunately don’t have to look at myself… but I probably won’t want masses of people running away from the four-eyed freak woman so I should PROBABLY take that into consideration =p Also, the second beanie (the one without the eyes) looks kinda more fleecey and warmer… Oh what to do, what to do?!?
Tying in with that recent Koss KSC75 earphone review is an equally alien looking device by Pioneer Computers called the DreamVision MCP. I was browsing through the internet looking at next gen mobile phones when this shiny new gadget caught my eye. It seems that mobile phone and mp3 player enthusiasts need wait no more as Pioneer may have just what you need, combining the two with a camera to boot! Visually the DreamVision looks somewhat like a futuristically hyped up 3rd gen iPod, with four neat metallic buttons under the screen, and in the lower half something which looks rather reminiscent of Apple’s famous click wheel. The shiny, circular metal pad is not a click wheel however, but instead a rather innovative and creative re-design of a numerical key pad. As you can see, the numbers form the outside dial of the pad, while the centre area is delegated to dedicated media controls.
Pioneer's self-proclaimed iPod killer comes sporting an mp3/mp4 player, a 2 mega-pixel camera with 8X digital zoom, as well as video capture function which lets you record up to 60 seconds of video. The DreamVision doesn’t leave many formats out either, as it supports mp3, mp4, midi, wav, amr and aac formats. And that’s not all! This hybrid phone comes bundled with a PDA, voice memo, calendar, and a bevy of other features. If that weren’t enough, the device is also only 7.7mm thick, thin enough to give even the iPod nano a run for its money! What are your thoughts? Do you like the futuristic design? Does it tickle your fancy? Is it an iPod killer, or an iPod wannabe? It will certainly be interesting to see how this new offering from Pioneer tackles the market! Keep your eyes peeled, folks!
The Koss earphones come in a rather uninformative and unimpressive bubble package with navy and orange highlights. Inside the packaging isn’t much better. The headphones themselves look like some sort of extraterrestrial alien head gear, and I half expect some bleeping LEDs and an anal probing device to come packaged with it. But as the old adage says… don’t judge a book by its cover lest ye be judged for the ugly, sorry sod you are. And by God, some of us are quite fugly. So for those superficial suckers (myself included), take a well needed life lesson and look past the questionable exterior and realise that beauty really is only skin deep.
I'm glad I gave the Kosses a chance because once you don the earphones, it’s a whole ‘nother ball game. Gone are any tentative preconceptions of this gear – it’s clear to see (or hear?) that these are a pair of VERY good quality earphones. The best and most distinctive feature of these phones is the bass. No doubt about it. When listening to heavy bass songs with my eyes closed, I could almost swear I could feel the subwoofer bass tremble from a full 5.1 stereo system. If heaven was a sound, it would be the punchy bass line of Jet’s ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’ through a pair of these Kosses =p However, the Koss KSC75s have a wider diameter ear pad than most earphones, but I feel the comfort is all the more better for it. I’m used to the aching feeling of having headphones of the clip-on variety painfully bite into my ears after an extended period of time, but the Koss KSC75s felt perfect. The ear clips sat nicely over my ears and the pads were pressed with just the right amount of pressure against my ears. I shook my head vigorously with these on, but there was not so much as a wiggle from these excellent earphones. In fact, so comfortable are the headphones that I even forgot they were on! In short, these headphones are the best value for money earphones on the market today. For only $30 AUD (eBay), the sound is comparable (and quite possibly even tops that of) headphones in the $100-200 range. But enough of this rambling… I really could shorten this review into two short, sweet words - BUY IT.