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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mortal Kombat vs. DC?

Dear God, what have Midway done? I'll tell you what they've done - the unspeakable crime of dragging the old MK korpse from its resting place when rightly it should have been sent to its kraptacular grave after MKIII. And yeah, I'm goddamn sick of Midway's use of 'k' in place of 'c' in a failed bid to be "kool". "Insert Koin"? Fuck yeah just gimme the chance and I'll "insert koin" so far up Midway's ass they'll be crapping quarters for a month!

But seriously, so many of the characters were spin offs of each other that if I had colour blindness I'd think the game only had the one useable character... But no no, against all common sense, Midway's decided to attempt to revive the old series by pitting them against DC characters such as Batman and Superman but get this - there will be NO FATALITIES. WHAT? No fatalities? Forget it pal, this game is dead before it hits the screen I say.

For those with morbid curiosity or nothing else better to do than give you eyes a torture treatment, here's the link: