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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Life is Viewtiful!

Look out iPhone - make way for the new LG beauty! Did I say "beauty"? I meant "Viewty". Believe it or not, that's the name of LG's new flagship phone. LG Viewty. I can't believe it. First you name one of your phone's the LG Chocolate when it wasn't even remotely a shade of brown (or remotely edible or chocolate tasting I might add - I know because I tried), and now this?! What the bloody hell are you thinking LG??! Arghh! So okay - what an incredibly lame ass name, but maybe you'll get over that when you hear the features.

Here's the scoop: incredibly sleek, sexy design, touchpad interface, mp3 player, radio, organiser and let's not forget the main feature - the stunning 5 megapixel camera with autofocus and video capability. The only thing that's missing is a 3.5mm headphone jack.

At 103 x 54mm x 14.8mm and weighing in at 112g, the LG Viewty's a little on the bulky side, but that's to be expected with the amount of features it's packing under the hood. LG's new phone comes in at a great time too - the iPhone has yet to be released in Australia which primes the Viewty with a good 6 months to snipe the competition before the iPhone gets released here. And speaking of the iPhone, there's some pretty cool mods out there for the Viewty that converts your interface to look just like the iPhone! Check it out! You may just be able to see the little green phone symbol in the lower left hand corner - the only indication that this is indeed NOT an iPhone!

If this seductive bombshell grabs your fancy, then find out more by clicking here.

More pictures and a thorough review are also available from