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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mmmm.... Kitty Litter!

There's nothing quite as appetising as the smell and look of a fresh pan of kitty litter. Wouldn't it be nice instead of just smelling and seeing kitty litter, that you could also be able to TASTE it? (That is, without your stomach imploding and collapsing dead from drowning in your own vomit mere moments after.)

Well thank goodness for the wonders of modern day cooking! Now you can create your own KITTY LITTER CAKE! Why, the folks at Fabulous Foods have created a truly crazily original dish which also promises that you'll be licking your whiskers after eating it (so long as you keep your eyes shut throughout the whole process). Made from chocolate cake mix, vanilla instant pudding mix and tootsie rolls, it sure sounds a treat!
Now at least you'll have something to serve some pesky unwanted guests at the dinner table that'll have them out of your hands in a hurry. Or should I say paws...?

Check out the whole recipe at Fabulous Foods now! Absolutely perfect for crappy aspiring chef whose every dish looks like charcoal. You can stuff up this dish and it'll still look intentional - plus it'll taste great too! Is that not a win-win situation?? =p

P.S. If that was right up your alley, then their gelatin brain moulds also promise to be a lot of fun!