Looking for a distraction this upcoming exam period and don't care what the hell it is or lame it is? The Amazing Flying Monkey has you covered! Sporting an ultra cool black cape and eye-mask, the Amazing Flying Monkey is 11cm tall and can slingshot up to 50 feet away! Ooh! Functionality AND looks! What a lethal combination =p And at under $20, this deal's looking hard to pass up!
Just imagine the limitless fun you'd have letting one of these go in a lecture hall or office! And let's not forget that Tarzan-like super-cry it emits...
Available from latestbuy.com.au for only $19.95!
Having been somewhat of a StarCraft fan until my internet crapped up on me, I must say it's been a helluva long time in waiting, but I'm glad to say that StarCraft 2 has now been officially announced at Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational in Seoul, Korea! Weeks of speculative (and innaccurate) rumours ranging from a Starcraft MMORPG to another WOW expansion have finally been put to rest, to the delight of many, myself included =]
Believe it or not it's been 10 years since StarCraft debuted on our PC screens, yet the BattleNet following of StarCraft has nevertheless continued on strong. It goes without saying it will be exciting to see the changes and upgrades of units and the introduction of new units that have been in the making these last couple of years. Given Blizzard's dedication to all its previous games always featuring fantastic well-thought out storylines and terrific gameplay, it's almost 100% sure this will be another winner. Yes, it'll be awhile yet before it's actually released, but boy, it's going to be BIG.
Follow the IGN live blog of the Blizzard announcement here.
StarCraft 2 Announcement can also be seen via Kotaku here.
We all know Americans are a little crazy, and their peanut butter obsession has me completely confuddled. Seriously, so many American products can be had in peanut butter flavour it's freaky. Some of these products include peanut butter M&M's, peanut butter ice cream, peanut butter dessert pizza, Southern Peanut Butter Soup with Pepper Jelly, and last but definitely not least - Pepsi-Cola Cake with Broiled Peanut Butter Frosting. I kid you not.
Well if your peanut butter addicted tongue can't get enough punishment, then P.B.Loco have the cure. Sporting the slogan "One Flavour Is Ten Too Few", P.B.Loco have come up with 10 whacky peanut butter flavours including Peanut Butter with CocoBanana, Peanut Butter with Sumatra Cinnamon and Raisin, and Peanut Butter with Asian Curry Spice just to name a few.
Well now we definitely know there's loads of that peanut butter stuff floating around, but I was curious as how it's actually made! Found a cute pic summarising the peanut butter manufacturing process for those as curious as me:
 More information on the peanut butter manufacturing process can be found at PeanutButterLovers.com
There's no shortage of weird and freaky stuff to be bought on the internet, and this Glowing Baby Lamp is no exception. Why the hell you'd want spooky alien-esque lamps lighting up your room I have no idea, but there's no accounting for taste and at least now we have the option of owning one if you so wish =/
I must say my favourite is the green one because it rather reminds me a pile of slimy alien baby-shaped snot. Or a giant green jelly baby, which coincidentally enough also reminds me of a pile of slimy alien baby-shaped snot.
The Glowing Baby Lamp comes in three creepy colours and can be bought from Genius Jones for $99 USD each.
The Creative Zen Vision:M comes packaged nicely in a solid box packed tightly full of accessories. Included is a USB cable, sync adaptor, AC charger, pouch, manuals and software. And of course, the actual unit is also found neatly placed in the box. And I've got to say, after getting my hands on the Creative Zen Vision:M, it wasn't hard to see why it was voted best of CES for "Mp3 and Portable Video", as well as Best of CES for "Best in Show" for 2006. The unit itself is sleek and shiny with a glossy black front and a pearly white back with the rather attractive and hypnotising trademark ripple design on the back. However, the unit is a bit on the portly side and measures around 18mm in thickness which is a considerable bit thicker than Apple's iPod Video and the Toshiba Gigabeat S30.
What's apparent though upon powering up the unit is the absolute depth and clarity of the colours on the fantastic screen. The Creative M's best asset is the picture and colour quality that totally blows the competition out of the water. The display looks crisp and detailed, and the 6 customisable backgrounds are positively stunning. Video playback is absolutely astonishing and is unrivalled in its splendour. Audio playback is also of a high quality, but I found the maximum volume still somewhat lacking, especially in noisy environments like riding on public transport. Luckily, the Zen has other great redeeming features such as its ability to sync with Windows Media Player thus doing away with the need to install the third party software. Creative have also thoughtfully included great features such as FM radio, FM recording as well as voice recording which makes the Zen a brilliant all-round package.
Given all these great qualities, the main downfall of the Creative M is the difficulty of navigation. Creative's touch sensitive vertical strip was a little too sensitive at times and had me making wrong selections quite frequently, or accidentally adjusting the volume. It also made scrolling through long lists of songs quite a chore. The positioning of the skip track keys were also unfortunately placed right next to the touch sensitive strip which also added to frequent accidental selections and added more confusion. Compared with the user-friendliness of the Apple iPod click wheel, the navigation system of the Creative M is sorely lacking.
Another feature I found irritating about the Creative M is the sync adaptor unit that must be attached to the Zen before performing tasks such as connecting the USB to the PC, charging the unit through the AC adapter or using the AV out function. Yes, it's a only a minor annoyance and I can learn to live with this, but Creative have just made it extremely fiddly when it seriously doesn't need to be.
All in all, the Creative M is definitely deserves the CNET crown of being the best portable media player, however note there is an emphasis on the word "media" in portable media player. What do I mean? Well, no offence to the Zen, the Creative M is great but that's only if you want to upload your video collection onto it as well as your music. If you're not interested in video playback, then the bulkiness of the player and difficult navigation make the Zen a less than optimal choice. At the risk of sounding like an Apple fanboy, if listening to music is your primary purpose for a portable device, then I still believe that the iPod and it's ultra user-friendly navigation and slim dimensions is still the best choice.
More than meets the eye? Hell yes! Who would expect something innocent like a shoe to suddenly transform into a gun-toting, laser-beaming robot? Erm, obviously Nike, I guess... But it's definitely a cool concept, if we disregard the fact that it would be absolutely impossible to use these shoes for their normal intended purpose. You know, actually wearing it... =/
Logic be damned though, because it's damned awesome is what it is! Forget plastic explosives hidden inside shoe soles... THIS is where it's at! I'd gladly walk barefoot anywhere and anytime if it meant I got a shoe sized robot companion. It'd almost be like owning my very own battle pokemon...
If there's one universal truth out there, it's that remote controlled gadgets are cool. But while remote control driving around a car is fun, it's got nothing on this Apache Remote Chopper. Imagine taking this down to a peaceful local park and seeing the looks on all those kite owners as you totally pwn them all with your l33t Apache Remote Chopper! Total 0wn4g3!! =p
Where can you get your hands on one these, you ask? Well there's a site that I've been following for a while now called Catch Of The Day, where each day from 12 noon to 12 noon the next day an item can be had for an amazing deal. While some of these items are questionable, like a Cheering Basketball Hoop and a Bag of Pooki, some of them are gems. And by gems, I really mean pointless but cool things you wouldn't ordinarily buy unless they could be had at fantastic prices =p Like this Apache Remote Chopper! It can be yours for a mere $59 plus postage, but only from noon today to noon tomorrow! Be quick!

Now I'm not much of a hamster person myself - I tend to think they're damned ugly and have as much charm as a mobile crapping machine. So understandably I got a little bit excited when I first heard about the Hamster-Powered Paper Shredder because I began to indulge in all kinds of fantasies about a device that converts them poo-filled hamsters into kinetic energy by burning them or some equally entertaining fate. Sadly no, my fantasies were dashed upon seeing a picture of the actual thing.
Anyway, Tom Ballhatchet's (oh yes, that's his real name) is the genius behind the Hamster-Powered Paper Shredder. How does it work? Well it's pretty simple. Just place your document to be shredded at the top of the cage and the hamsters peddling will shred the paper for you. And voila! Instant self-maintenance hamster! Shred enough paper in one day and you might not even be able to SEE the damned little crapper anymore and then it might just make a semi-bearable pet.
Hip Hip Hooray! The 3G phones have well and truly landed and let me tell ya, I've been waiting quite awhile for the release of this little beauty. Those of you familiar with the phone scene will know of the Sony Ericsson K800i - one of the first mobile phones to be sporting a fully fledged 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus and flash. Unfortunately this tended to mean that these such phones tended to be a bit on the portly side, with the K800i weighing in at 115 grams and 22mm thick. The unsightly and annoying lens cap also added additional thickness. Cue the Sony Ericsson K810i - a stunning and futuristic looking update to the K800i, and most importantly lighter and thinner. The K810i weights 103 grams and shaves a few millimetres off the thickness of the K800i at 17mm and with the lens cap sanded down to boot.
At a RRP of $799 it goes without saying that not everybody will be able to get their grubby little paws on one of these beauts. However crammed full of features such as 3G capability, walkman function, bluetooth compatibility and the best mobile phone camera that money can buy, the wait was well worth it. Ladies and gentlemen, the future of mobile technology has truly arrived.

Last month I was raving on about the iRiver S10 - a smaller version of the hugely popular iRiver Clix. Well at last the true successor to the iRiver Clix has come along - unimaginatively named the iRiver Clix 2. Don't let the boring name fool you though, the Clix 2 doesn't fail to disappoint with a host of great features evident in the original Clix including the brilliant D-Click system, except with a slimmer and sleeker design. One of the best new features about the iRiver Clix 2 is that it will also come in 4GB and 8GB versions so you can house even more great music on the one device.
For those of you interested, Pocketables.net once again comes through with another great in-depth review. As of yet however, the release date for Australia has yet to be finalised and there is talk that the iRiver Clix 2 might not even make it to Australian shores.
Check out these great new hats from NCS Inc! Actually contrary to what they look like, these cool items aren't hats at all... they're actually hat shaped cushions! So unfortunately these aren't wearable which is a bit of a disappointment - nothing gets me more fired up than some new uber headgear. Hopefully somebody will get around to making some real Mario & Luigi hats, but in the meantime you can grab one of these great cushions for US $29.00 from the NCS online store.